Alfa København
Stop gambling in Alfa København
Individual and group therapy will help you find out what makes you gamble repeatedly even though you promised yourself to stop. Through a cooperation with our practitioners, you will be given tools to regain control of your life. A psycologist, a psychotherapist, and a relapse prevention specialist are ready to help you. Moreover, we offer help to manage debt and offer a short intensive 24 hours course.
We offer individual treatment and counselling for both gamblers and their relatives. The treatment is based on your unique problems and take place in Østerbro, Copenhagen.
The course of treatment is 12 weeks and the intensity will be adjusted according to the scope of the problem. The participant takes part in the planning of the treatment offer to ensure that the right type of help is offered. The most common course of treatment is 1-2 weekly meetings for 12 weeks with follow-up meetings after 6 months and 12 months.
Through instruction and therapy, you will again be able to lead a meaningful life without gambling problems.
We have worked with addictions since 2005, and we are specialists in the underlying problems that lead to the addiction behind compulsive gambling.

Sankt Kjelds Plads 12, 2. sal
2100 København Ø