Lotteries - monopolies
On this page, you will find everything you need as a monopoly. Exclusively monopolies can organise lotteries - except from the types that are covered by licences to betting, gaming machines, land-based casino, online casino and land-based bingo. It is also possible to apply for or notify of charity lotteries or other non-profit purposes.
How to obtain a licence
Application for Danske Lotteri Spil A/S
To apply for a licence to offer lotto games, scratch cards etc., you must use form no. 3-01.
Changes to the licence
If there are changes to the licence, e.g. new members of the management or board, or one of the responsible professionals, the Danish Gambling Authority must be notified. You must use form no. 3-02 and form no. 3-03.
General technical requirements
To obtain a licence to provide gambling subject to a monopoly in Denmark, it is required that the gambling operator gives the Danish Gambling Authority access to a data warehouse (SAFE), to which the gambling operator continuously transfers and saves gambling data by use of the security system Tamper Token.
Moreover, it is required that the gambling operator controls the presence of any player in ROFUS (the register of self-excluded persons).
These documents provide you with an overview of the requirements for the technical configuration.
Description of the Danish Gambling Authority’s requirements regarding SAFE, TamperToken, ROFUS and notification obligations
- XSD forms for ROFUS service calls at registration and login.
- Example of the service call GamblerCheck in java- and .net versions.
- XSD forms for ROFUS service call regarding ”No thank you to gambling commercials”.
- XSD forms for TamperToken service calls.
- Example of zip file with fixed odds transactions in XML format.
XSD forms for standard records, used for reporting of game data
Tool for validating XML files
Only the following monopolies may provide lotteries:
- Danske Lotteri Spil A/S
- Det Danske Klasselotteri A/S
- Landbrugslotteriet
- Almindeligt Dansk Vare- og Industrilotteri
Read more about the licence holders under List of licence holders.
If you are a manager of a shop selling gambling products from Danske Lotteri Spil, you must be approved by the Danish Gambling Authority. You apply for an approval as a manager by using form no. 8-01.
How to apply for approval as a manager and areas of responsibility when approved as a manager.
NB. video only available in Danish
Certification programme
Certificate program documents
Spillemyndighedens certificeringsprogram har til formål at sikre, at spilsystemet og spilteknisk udstyr afvikler spil på en korrekt måde, og at sikkerheden omkring spilsystemet bliver opretholdt. Spillemyndighedens certificeringsprogram supplerer spillovgivningen og de vilkår, der er fastsat for spiludbyderne i tilladelserne, og den administrative praksis, som vi fastsætter.
Tilladelsesindehavere skal til hver en tid være certificeret i overensstemmelse med de dele af certificeringsprogrammet, der gælder for deres spiludbud.
For hver spiltype er der tilknyttet et sæt teststandarder og et sæt inspektionsstandarder, som gælder for den pågældende spiltype. Yderligere fem dokumenter gælder for alle spiltyper, med undtagelse af landbaseret kasino, som udelukkende er omfattet af de generelle krav samt kravene i test- og inspektionsstandarder. Hvert dokument fastsætter minimumskrav til indretningen af tilladelsesindehavers spilsystem, forretningsgange og forretningssystemer.
Standard reports
For every document there is a standard report with the document code: SCP.XX.XX.EN you must use when reporting to the Danish Gambling Authority on certification. The document code for standard reports use the same system as the documents of the certification programme.
Information about electronic ID
Gambling operators who want to obtain a licence to provide gambling subject to a monopoly must integrate an electronic ID to prepare their gambing system. By electronic ID is meant, for example, MitID. If MitID is used, the assurance level "substantial" or higher. The assurance level "substantial" is defined in the NSIS standard which forms the basis for MitID.
The Danish Gambling Authority refers to:
MitID support at +45 33 98 00 10
The legislation on all gambling categories
Laws and Executive Orders
See historical versions of the legislation
Notice: There may have been made later changes to the acts/executive orders. Please confer with the Danish legal text in order to ensure that you have the latest version of the acts. You are always welcome to contact the Danish Gambling Authority in case of doubt.
The English versions of the acts and executive orders are unofficial translations. In case of any discrepancy between the original Danish text and the English translations of the acts and executive orders, the Danish text shall prevail.
The Danish Act on Gambling
Only available in Danish
On the amendment of the division of the duties of government between the ministers
Only available in Danish
On the payment of fees to the Danish Gambling Authority
Only available in Danish
Read more about the rules on gambling in Greenland
List of licence holders
Danske Lotteri Spil A/S has a monopoly to provide lotteries such as Lotto and scratch cards. The right to provide class lotteries is reserved to Det Danske Klasselotteri A/S, Landbrugslotteriet, and Almindeligt Dansk Vare- og Industrilotteri.
Danske Lotteri Spil A/S
Danske Lotteri Spil A/S is a state-owned joint-stock company, with a licence to provide gambling in Denmark and Greenland. The licence is issued by the Danish Gambling Authority and the Danish Gambling
Authority supervises Danske Lotteri Spil A/S.
Below you can read Danske Lotteri Spil A/S’s licences in Denmark and Greenland.
Det Danske Klasselotteri A/S
Det Danske Klasselotteri is a subsidiary to Danske Spil A/S, with a licence to provide class lottery in Denmark. The licence is issued by the Danish Gambling Authority and the Danish Gambling Authority supervises the class lottery.
See Det Danske Klasselotteri A/S's licence.
Landbrugslotteriet is an independent institution with a licence to provide lottery in Denmark. The licence is issued by the Danish Gambling Authority and the Danish Gambling Authority supervises Landbrugslotteriet.
See Landbrugslotteriet's licence.
Almindeligt Dansk Vare- og Industrilotteri
Almindeligt Dansk Vare- og Industrilotteri is licensed to provide class lottery in Denmark. The licence is issued by the Danish Gambling Authority and the Danish Gambling Authority supervises Almindeligt Dansk Vare- og Industrilotteri.
See Almindeligt Dansk Vare- og Industrilotteri's licence.